Hardening Slow Streets: From Pilot to Permanent During COVID-19

A street in San Francisco with a hand-made Slow Street sign and a temporary traffic bollard blocking vehicles.

How do we transition from successful COVID-era Slow Street pilot projects — and make them permanent or “hard?”

Learn how to transition successful COVID-era street redesigns to pilot, interim and permanent projects. This webinar discussed recommended processes, practices, designs, materials and outreach strategies to ensure these transitions work for residents, the general public and implementing agencies.   

This webinar covers:

  • Emerging streets and operational strategies
  • Why hardening Slow Streets
  • How to go from pilot to permanent
  • Strategies for community outreach
  • Hardening treatments
  • Precedents and lessons learned

Quick-builds are reversible and adjustable. They can be built in phases within days or weeks and through incremental and low cost installations. And they can be undone after a pilot or testing.

Emerging Street Types

MTC is helping cities think about how they can use their streets and sidewalks more creatively — to serve more people and more purposes. See examples of what cities can do to make their streets more flexible and accessible.