
Environmental Justice

Technical Assistance

The San Francisco Estuary Partnership provides administrative and capacity-building support for projects funded through the Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Program. Over the past 20

The Transforming Urban Water Initiative is collaboratively advancing innovative nature-based solutions for the San Francisco Bay shoreline. The Initiative works with local governments, regulators

This webinar, part of the Regional Housing Technical Assistance Training series, was co-produced by California Office of Planning and Research (OPR) on May 11, 2021. The webinar covers the nuts and

Integration Concepts for General Plan Updates outlines concepts for integrating various policy topics and new requirements in General Plan updates, housing element updates and other local planning

Climate change impacts do not affect all communities in the same way. California must move beyond embracing equity to making equity real. This requires centering community needs and building social

How does affordable and workforce housing become a reality in today’s challenging economic and political environment? A panel of experts lead this interactive exchange of innovative policy and design

Climate change, as a threat multiplier, exacerbates existing inequalities in health, housing, land use, transportation and economic opportunities. Although there is mounting evidence of the unequal

In 2016, the Legislature passed Senate Bill No. 1000 (SB 1000) requiring cities and counties that have disadvantaged communities to incorporate environmental justice (EJ) policies into their General

California law requires each jurisdiction’s General Plan to address the mandated elements listed in Government Code section 65302. These include: Land use Circulation Housing Conservation Open space