
Housing Needs

Technical Assistance

The Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) process is the part of Housing Element law used to determine how many new homes, and the affordability of those homes, each local government must plan for

The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) hosted this training webinar to introduce planners to its housing data packets and provide tips on accessing and using census data to better understand

ABAG, in partnership with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), hosted this forum to discuss state data requirements, solicit input on regional data tools and train

This Planning Innovations forum from October 29, 2020 previews the first set of regional data tools developed as part of ABAG’s Housing Technical Assistance Program. The Housing Technical Assistance

State law requires local jurisdictions to analyze their communities’ housing needs and the resources available to address them. ABAG/Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has compiled

The Housing Element is the only element of a jurisdiction’s General Plan that is reviewed and certified by the state. Regular updates to the Housing Element are required under state law and help to

State law now reflects U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements for affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH), promoting access by income levels and all racial and ethnic

To ensure that all jurisdictions plan to meet the housing needs of the entire community, California requires that local governments adopt housing plans as part of their General Plan. The Regional