

Technical Assistance

ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission are providing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Policy Adoption Technical Assistance to all Santa Clara County jurisdictions needing assistance with

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) policy that complies with SB 743 is also compatible with and supportive of other state and local transportation and development goals. Adopting and implementing VMT

ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission are providing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Policy Adoption Technical Assistance to all Napa/Solano County jurisdictions needing assistance with

ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission are providing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Policy Adoption Technical Assistance to all Sonoma County jurisdictions needing assistance with Senate

Many cities and counties understand that existing parking practices in their jurisdictions do not support their land use, transportation, health and safety, and environmental goals. However, they face

Parking and the policies that guide parking development and management are potent tools for supporting housing affordability, climate and community design goals. Parking policy changes can be

The City of Fremont received a Priority Development Area (PDA) technical assistance grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and ABAG to remove Level of Service (LOS) and instead use

These presentation slides capture the talking points of the Hayward City Council meeting on implementing Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and general plan amendments. It

As part of Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), local jurisdictions were tasked with transitioning from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) policies by July 2020. In this June 8, 2017

The resources below provide background and context related to Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743) and the rationale behind the shift from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a tool for